BNF Leader Shahid Hussain has been arrested in Gilgit Baltistan

Gilgit: Nationalist Leader of Balawaristan National Front (BNF) Shahid Hussain has been arrested in Gilgit, a city of Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan on 21st August 2018. He was accused in Schedule-IV of Anti-terrorism Act, anti-state and dozens of other sedition charges. The First Investigation Report (FIR) was lodged on october 2016 aginst him alongwith many other nationalists including Dee Jay Mathal, a prominent journalist and chief editor daily Bangesahar (Banned) who is already imprison for more than two years. Shahid Hussain has been arrested in the same FIR and sent to Joint investigation Team (JIT). Shahid Hussain is a prominent nationalist leader of Balawaristan National Front, as well as chief editor monthly Balawaristan Times (Banned). He was also former General Secretary of All Parties National Alliance (APNA).